IEEE Hyderabad Section Student Activities Committee in Collaboration with IEEE Computer Society under IEEE Hyderabad Section is the primary hub for inspiration, information, and association in computer science and engineering. Connecting everyone around Hyderabad Section, the Computer Society empowers the people who advance technology by delivering tools for individuals at all stages of their professional careers. The Mission of IEEE Student Activities Committee is to promote the usage of technology to influence the quality of Life.
IEEE Hyderabad Section Student Activities Committee in Collaboration with IEEE Computer Society organizes an ideathon Evolve-X under different themes. This is an ideathon which enlightens the thoughts of the student to develop various projects.
For Technology Enthusiasts, students or Startups, this is not an opportunity to be missed. Participate as teams and win fabulous prizes
The word Evolve means to develop gradually and the first word of caption is IGNITE (arouse or inflame) a student after igniting must IDEATE (form an idea ) after than that they must DESIGN (decide upon the look and functioning) then make a MODEL (a thing used as an example to follow or imitate) and then bring out the ultimate PRODUCT(result of an action or process) and the X refers to execution which has to be done finally. Hence the name Evolve-X.
The main objective of this ideathon is to bring out the zeal in the students to work in team and develop a project that is useful in all the aspects. This is like is a short, intensive, brainstorming event to help young talents generate fresh solutions to existing challenges in their communities.
The Evolve-X is the ideathon which is being organized to enhance the skills and encourage students of all disciplines to develop a web or mobile application which is functional, convenient and nifty to all the needy.
- Health Care
- Good Governance
- Go green
- Environment
- Vertical Agriculture
- Privacy and Security
- Tourism
- Smart Living
- Semi Conductors
- Smart Energy
- Retail Services
- Robotics
- Automation
- Cloud
- Sensors
- Drones
5th September 2021 | Start for registration |
25th September 2021 | Abstract Submission |
01st October 2021 | Review-1 |
03rd October 2021 | Explanation of DPR |
15th October 2021 | Detailed Project Report Submission |
15th Oct - 25thOct 2021 | Evaluation |
31st October 2021 | Result Announcement |
Terms and Conditions
- The Team Leader is responsible for all the information provided by him and his team members. Submitting false information would lead to disqualification of the team.
- The disqualified team will not be eligible to receive any certification.
- Using any unfair means may lead to the cancellation of the team's candidature.
- Ideathon participants hereby acknowledge that event participation is free of charge and that participation does not entail any right to compensation of any kind or to reimbursement of any expenses incurred.
- Information regarding registered teams will be shared with the Jury Panel and Organizing Committee on need basis for the purpose of running the Ideathon.
- We only accept team registrations with zero registration fee!
- We encourage and invite students of all disciplines to participate.
- Participants must apply in a team of 1-4 members.
- The Team Leader is responsible to register other team members that will comprise the team. The Team leader will also choose a unique Name for the Team.
- The Team leader represents the team and is fully responsible for their own and their team's conduct in the ideathon.
- Team leaders will ensure that their team follows the rules of the ideathon.
- Any act of Cheating would lead to summary exit of the team from the ideathon.
- Teams cannot be changed once the competition has begun, and should even just one member of the team leave the competition, the entire team will be disqualified.
- This is an online event consisting of a Qualification Round and multiple assessment rounds. The winning teams will be decided based on the aggregated performance in the assessment rounds.
- All dates and time are Indian Standard time (IST) which is GMT + 5½ hours.
- For further queries, please contact sac@ieeehyd.org
Well-developed Project from the young generation.
- They learn to work in team
- This ideathon provides students with the best possible chance to showcase their reflexive thinking abilities in the face of problem statements and to show how their innovation will ameliorate the world's technological advancements in the given themes.
- Be mentored by leaders in education and industry.
- Good and satisfactory prizes
September 05 | Announcement of Evolve-X |
September 25 | Submission of idea |
October 03 | Explanation of Detailed Project Report. |
October 25 | Submission of DPR(Detailed Project Report) along with Submission of project deployment. |
October 31 | Result Announcement. |