Future Directions Committee
IEEE Hyderabad Section constituted a committee under the chairmanship of C. Satish in the SEC-9/2016 held on 16 Oct 2016. The main objectives of the committee are to align the global objectives of IEEE for the benefit of the members of IEEE Hyderabad Section.
Agenda or main issues
Arrive at Vision and Mission Statement for the Section. These should be within the IEEE’s overall framework.
Identify the Section objectives and priorities.
Recommend a strategic plan accomplishing the mission and vision.
Areas to be reviewed


Membership (Student member retention, increasing society membership)

Education of members (knowledge transfer)
About FDC
IEEE Hyderabad Section instituted a Future Directions Committee (FDC) under the leadership of C Satish to examine, introspect, and put forth the Section’s Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives that would guide all activities of the Section in the years to come. The FDC collected feedback from all members on their expectations from IEEE and their other views. A summary of the FDC report and the guidelines issued is reproduced below.
A Time to Shape Our Future
C. Satish, Chairman – FDC Committee
It is necessary for any non-profit organization to look once in a decade or so to see what changes are needed in its strategy to fulfill its vision and mission. IEEE calls it strategic planning. For such a strategic planning, IEEE Hyderabad Section Executive Committee formed a Future Directions Committee (FDC). This committee consists of about 15 members & includes 5 Past Section Chairs, few younger members and few current SEC members. Mrs. Supriya of TCS is the committee’s facilitator.
In simple words Mission is the purpose. Vision is a picture of desired future. Goals, strategy and plans should emanate from the above and need to be in alignment with mission and vision by all the constituents of the Section like Chapters, AGs. Mission is the guiding star for all our plans and activities.
Continuation of project/activity in progress and their implementation plans
IEEE Hyderabad Section is meticulously planning events for every class of IEEE member and putting up the programmes which are contemporary in nature. Every Society, Joint Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Chapters are putting up constant efforts to drive the same through
Technical Seminars
Webinars and Podcasts
Contests and Hackathons
Symposiums and Colloquiums
Professional Development Programs
Student Congress Events
Mentorship program for students through IEEE Hyderabad Senior Members
Entrepreneurship and Startup committee
STEM activities for rural areas
Goals and Future Plans
Based on Future Direction Committee guidance, following Goals are worked upon by IEEE Hyderabad Section
Goal 1: To Develop and Promote Industry Engagement
To promote industry engagement
Measures –
Driven through society, take feedback as to desired events, along with industry conduct events in proximity
IEEE section should be one of the professional bodies that Govt. seeks advise from and be invited to be part of any Govt. initiatives e.g. Photonics Valley corporation.
Promote continuous education (certifications).
Change the branding to show that it is for industry only.
Promotion of awareness of relevant IEEE Standards to the industry (driven by the Chapters).
Promote to management of the companies to support IEEE involvement.
Collaboration with local bodies for training based on IEEE content and standards.
Let there be an IEEE Roadshow which goes to various industries– focused on IEEE, multiple components of various societies
Increase success rate of entrepreneurship
Measures –
Promote technological mentoring to entrepreneurs
IRC will focus on TES with the help of the Chapters
Collaborate with technology makers to provide the inputs on how to use their technology for business solutions.
Goal 2: To Increase the Effective Volunteer Base
Measure: Pool of 50 active volunteers at any given time
Make volunteering easier – use technology procedures
Ask for volunteers- surveys
Proactively Send IEEE volunteer material to each member (people have not used available material) – training, also send to HR and other similar bodies in an org
Setup a volunteer identification committee.
Put in place Mechanism of Recognition of professionals from Engg. community
Increase volunteers from industry members
Recognition of volunteers – by local body, in a social with FAMILY members
Each volunteer to find an understudy (succession planning)
Reduce volunteer inability to volunteer.
Operations manual — Have induction, give clarity on volunteer role
Volunteer empowerment – feeling that they are making a difference, hearing them.
Retain existing volunteers– should not feel discouraged.
Increase presence on social media. –recognition on Hyd site/page. People should see.
Classify Volunteers generic volunteers, vs. for specific events-
Clarify work expectations & duration – certification is guaranteed, award performance
Match interest and motive for volunteer
Convenience and potential of volunteers
An event for volunteers where we describe volunteers
Grow volunteers by regular call for volunteers, evaluate performance,
Handover of work from prev. set of volunteers to new set.
Easy and friendly administrative procedures.
Goal 3: To Increase Technical Society Membership
Measure: 10% Increase society membership in 2 years
Offer local incentives- discounts for local events. Early bird discounts
Reach out membership development from industry- absence of industry
Target IEEE members who are not society members through awareness– they do not know benefits of society.
Ask what they want – by society, Identify topics broad topics that the professionals are interested and conduct programs in that – through survey etc.
Increased access to digital libraries specific to society
Facilitate change in organizational culture in the organizations through petitions to regulatory bodies. E.g. DRDO – 25K provided for professional, so this is used in appraisals.
Popularize benefit of the society– beyond the society only, communications not reached out to the entire IEEE community. 1000 prof. members out of 5000 members. So the 4000 members do not get any society information.
Chapter must organize one good conference of that society once in two years.
Promote society and events through social media.
Demo society membership at a physical location – IEEE Café
Recognition from local society chapter – volunteer or member.
Chapter Promotes society activities in the Student branch.
Goal 4: To Sustain Membership of Students Even After their Transitioning to Full Members
Measure: current 25% retention… Target- 50% retention
Evangelize importance of being full member
More Student Transition & Elevation Program (STEP) events with measurable outcomes.
Promote membership afresh, not talk of “transition”. See benefits as any other professional membership. Focus only on increasing professional membership. As part of ongoing efforts to increase membership.
More contests like all India Student Project Contest– which is more like an Academia-Industry interaction.
Mentor network – needs to be publicized and strengthened
Evangelize IEEE membership among the industry
Faculty advisors and mentors have to be educated to promote
Challenge: Jump in member fees from ~$27 to ~$80.
The SEC-9 held on 16 Oct 2016 has approved the The Future Directions Committee as below.
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | C. Satish | Chairman |
2 | V. Prasad Kodali | Members |
3 | B. L. Deekshatulu | Members |
4 | S. Raghunathan | Members |
5 | M. G. P. L. Narayana | Members |
6 | N. V. Rao | Members |
7 | Atul Negi | Members |
8 | Amit Kumar | Members |
9 | Madhav Negi | Members |
10 | P. V. S. Maruthi Rao | Members |
11 | Naresh Kumar | Members |
12 | Mohammed Arifuddin Sohel | Members |
13 | D. R. Jahagirdar | Members |
14 | Madhumita Chakravarti | Members |
15 | Lakshminarayana Merugu | Member Convener |
For any queries, please send an email to Mohammed Arifuddin Sohel, Secretary, IEEE Hyderabad Section.
Name | |
Mohammed Arifuddin Sohel | arif.sohel@ieee.org |